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ServiceNow and NVIDIA Collaborate to Introduce Gen-AI Service Agents

Written by Mary Medina | Jul 24, 2024 2:00:00 PM

The Brief: ServiceNow, in collaboration with NVIDIA, showcased their new generative AI service agents at Knowledge 24, their annual customer and partner event. These AI avatars leverage NVIDIA's Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) technologies, including speech, large language models (LLM), and animation, to create lifelike digital characters. The demo highlighted the potential for more engaging and personalized experiences for both employees and customers. This innovation is part of a strategic partnership between ServiceNow and NVIDIA, aiming to advance workflow engagements across various industries.

Read full details of the announcement about ServiceNow and NVIDIA Collaboration at 

ServiceNow Introduces Gen-AI Service Agents With NVIDIA AI Software

Expert Commentary: ServiceNow's collaboration with NVIDIA to introduce generative AI service agents represents a key progress point in virtual agent technology. These AI avatars can deliver more personalized and interactive experiences through the integration of NVIDIA's ACE technologies. This development is poised to transform customer service and employee interactions, making digital engagements more lifelike and efficient.

For industries reliant on customer service, such as healthcare, retail, and telecommunications, this innovation could lead to enhanced user satisfaction and streamlined operations. The use of advanced AI capabilities demonstrates ServiceNow's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to improve business workflows and user experiences.

Source: NVIDIA

Enhancing Virtual Agent Experiences with Now Assist

ServiceNow's Now Assist platform, powered by NVIDIA's generative AI technology, aims to enhance virtual agent interactions. The platform provides users with a more engaging and intuitive way to communicate with AI by incorporating lifelike avatars. These avatars utilize NVIDIA's speech recognition, language translation, and animation technologies to create realistic digital characters.

The potential applications are vast, ranging from customer service to employee training and support. ServiceNow hopes to improve user satisfaction and efficiency by making virtual interactions more personal. This advancement aligns with the growing trend of multimodal AI interfaces, predicted by Gartner to become mainstream in the coming years.

Leveraging NVIDIA Technology for Advanced AI Capabilities

The collaboration between ServiceNow and NVIDIA leverages advanced AI technologies to enhance the capabilities of the Now Assist platform. NVIDIA's Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) integrates speech, LLM, and animation technologies, enabling the creation of realistic digital avatars. These technologies are part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform, which ensures production-grade, secure, and reliable AI software.

ServiceNow can develop and deploy custom LLMs efficiently by utilizing NVIDIA's infrastructure, including DGX SuperPOD and Tensor Core GPUs. This partnership not only enhances ServiceNow's AI offerings but also demonstrates the power of combining innovative technologies to drive business transformation and improve user experiences.

So What Are the Practical Applications of Generative AI Avatars?

Generative AI avatars have numerous practical applications across various industries. In customer service, they can simulate human interactions, providing personalized assistance and support. For example, a customer inquiring about an internet upgrade can interact with an AI avatar that guides them through options and processes.

In the retail sector, AI avatars can enhance the shopping experience by offering personalized recommendations and assistance. For employee training and support, these avatars can provide interactive and engaging tutorials, helping employees better understand company policies and software capabilities. The possibilities are extensive, and the technology is set to revolutionize how businesses interact with customers and employees.

ServiceNow’s Commitment to Responsible AI Development

ServiceNow is committed to responsible AI development, ensuring their technologies are safe, secure, and ethical. They are a founding member of the AI Alliance, led by IBM and Meta, which promotes open, safe, and responsible AI practices globally. This commitment is reflected in their collaboration with NVIDIA and other partners to develop AI solutions that prioritize transparency and cost-effectiveness.

ServiceNow aims to advance AI development responsibly by embracing open-science and open-governance principles. Their focus on ethical AI practices ensures that their technologies benefit users while minimizing potential risks, reinforcing their position as a leader in AI-driven business transformation.

The Future of Generative AI in Business

The introduction of generative AI avatars by ServiceNow, in partnership with NVIDIA, signals a notable shift in how businesses can leverage AI for improved user experiences. These advancements promise to enhance customer service, streamline operations, and provide more engaging interactions across various industries. As AI technology continues to evolve, the potential for further innovations in business workflows and user engagement is immense.

ServiceNow's commitment to responsible AI development ensures that these technologies are deployed ethically and securely. The future of generative AI in business looks promising, with the potential to transform how organizations interact with customers and employees, driving efficiency and satisfaction.